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How you can donate and help OUR ministries 

We believe that giving is a spiritual act.  

We believe that we can help others with our gifts of money.

We believe giving is a spiritual discipline, that brings us closer to God. 


We don't give because the church needs it.  

We don't give to support the budget.  

We don't give because we feel guilty when we don't. 


We give because there are those in need.

We give because we believe in the ministries of this church. 

We give because God calls us to care for the least. 

ways you can donate to our ministries :



As a part of our weekly worship experience, we give the opportunity to give in the form of loose offering, or tithing envelopes. 

Through Online Giving

Just click the button below, and you can give to St. Georges right here!  


You can even setup monthly automatic withdrawal! It's easy!

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Through Automatic withdrawal 

It's simple!  Just download the form below, fill it out in Word, and click the email below to send it back to us!




We love getting mail! If you wish to give to our ministries through the mail, we'd be happy to oblige! Here's our address:


St. Georges UMC

P.O. Box 145

St. Georges, De 19733

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