Community Involvement/Missions
Service is at the core of everything that we do. Our mission is to serve others because of God’s, and our, love of all people.
Every chance we can we look for opportunities to get out, and serve others in love. From homeless sock drives, working at the Seaman’s Center at the Port, to the Sunday Breakfast Mission, and many many others, we are committed to working outside our walls
Girl and Boy Scouts
The Girl and Boy Scout program has three specific objectives. They are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. St. Georges charters to four Scouting units, Cub Scout Pack 123, Boy Scout Troop 123, Sea Scouts Ship 123 and Girl Scout Troop 747. These units serve over 80 area youth between the ages of 6 and 18.
Meals on Wheels
Every week, a volunteer from
St. Georges goes out in the community to get meals to
The Pizza Brigade
During our difficult times, the ministry of food is most important. This group of volunteers delivers meals to families that could use some "comfort food" and a friendly face in their time of need.
Friendship Quilters
Friendship Star Quilters is a group of women from the church and community who get together on the first Tuesday of the month to make quilts for children and adults who are in the local hospitals and the Helen Graham Center.
Alcoholics Anonymous
On Wednesday at 8pm and Friday Nights at 7:30pm, AA meets in our fellowship hall. We offer this ministry knowing thatwe all struggle with something. There is help available, and there is strength in leaning on each other.
Mission Projects
We regularly take on a project to help those in our community. We have done sock drives, canned good collections, and local mission trips.